Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)
Through investments across three grantmaking priorities – Access, Thrive, Include – we seek to support individuals with I/DD who have a range of support needs.

The Center for Discovery
Our goal is to connect individuals of all ages and all abilities, as well as their families and caregivers, to effective resources that will meet their needs and help them thrive over the course of their lifetimes.
We direct our funding to expand access to information, quality services, and assistance navigating multiple service systems. Stakeholders may need help understanding their legal rights and learning how to advocate for themselves. Our investments in this area aim to better equip all service providers – disability-focused ones and those not exclusively serving people with disabilities – to support people with I/DD.

Arc Broward
Our goal is to ensure individuals with I/DD have equitable access to the resources and supports they need to explore, define, and pursue fulfillment in adulthood.
Low expectations of and for people with I/DD, pervasive prejudice against people with disabilities, a lack of access to quality support services, and inadequate public policies have restricted opportunities for growth and independence among people with I/DD. This limitation in resources can lead to poor life outcomes, for example contributing to lower employment rates and increased poverty rates.
Our investments in this area seek to change the status quo. To poise young people for success, we direct funding to expand quality, comprehensive transition planning, and the provision of holistic tools and supports. We want to increase available pathways to fulfillment, such as inclusive post-secondary programs and “reimagined” day programs that foster individual growth. We believe more people who want to work can and should be employed. Work readiness skill development and experience-based training are among the factors essential for individuals to secure competitive employment that is suited to their individual skills and interests.

Martin Seck. © 2024 The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Our goal is to foster connection and individual growth.
Society is fraught with barriers that hinder full immersion of individuals with I/DD in the community, leading to isolation and marginalization. Our funding promotes the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of individuals with I/DD by increasing access to and inclusion in their communities, for example through engagement with the arts and other enrichment experiences.